Conditional Statement(if/Else)

Q1-Write a program that Input marks and print pass if the student's mark is greater than 40 otherwise print fail.
Q2-Write a program that inputs a number and displays whether the number is divisible by 3 or not.
Q3-Write a program that inputs dividend and divisor then calculates and displays the quotient and remainder.
Q4-Write a program that inputs three numbers and finds the greater one.
Q5-Write a program that inputs five numbers and finds the smaller one.
Q6-Write a program that inputs 10 numbers and only prints the even number.
Q7-Write a program that inputs 10 numbers and only prints the odd number.
Q8-Write a program that finds whether the number is even, odd, or zero.
Q9-Write a program that finds whether the number is positive, negative, or zero.
Q10-Write a program that reads two numbers and prints the sum and product of the number if the first number is positive.
Q11-Write a program that inputs two numbers and finds whether both are equal or not.
Q12-Write a program that read a number and print its square if the number is greater than 10 otherwise print its cube.
Q13-Write a program that inputs salary and grade. it adds a 50% bonus if the grade is greater than 15. It adds a 20% bonus if the grade is 15 or less and displays the total salary.
Q14-Write a program that inputs a character and displays whether it is a vowel or not.
Q15-Write a program that inputs marks and prints grades based on the obtained marks.
Q16-Write a program that inputs a letter and prints whether it is a lowercase letter or uppercase. It displays a message if the user does not enter a letter.
Q17-Write a program that inputs a number of months of the year and displays the number of days of the corresponding month. for example(if user enter2 ,it will display 28 or 29)
Q18-Write a program that inputs radius and user’s choice. It calculates the area of the circle if the user enters 1 as a choice. It calculates the circumference if the user enters 2 as a choice.
Q19-Write a program that inputs three numbers and displays whether all numbers are equal or not by using nested if the condition
Q20-Cooking application food with juice
Q21-Admission process of boy or girl school.
Q22-Write a program that inputs a number and prints the week name according to the number.
Q23-Write a program that inputs a character from the user and checks whether it is a vowel or consonant.
Q24-Create a calculator.
Q25-Write a program that prints the fruit's name according to the character user enters.
Q26-Write programs that print the symbol name using the symbol user enter.
Q27-Write programs that print student detail according to the roll no user enter.
Q28-Write programs that enter character and print namaz the name according to the character user enter.
Q29-Create a bus application.